Sr Accountant tm REPORTS

Extracted from the old Printed Manual:

 SA:M6000                                                          07/01/90
                                Sr  ACCOUNTANT tm

                             R E P O R T S   M E N U
  Do you wish to Print/Display:

                          (0) SYSTEM Parameters
                          (1) TRANSACTIONS Listing
                          (2) G/L CHART of ACCOUNTS
                          (3) GENERAL LEDGER Report
                          (4) TRIAL BALANCE
                          (5) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                          (6) BUDGET Trial Balance
                          (7) BUDGET Report
                          (8) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Reports
                          (9) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Reports
                          (A) AD-HOC Reports

                    Enter selection, (M)aster menu or (Q)uit : :
Access: Press (6) on the Master menu.

The following reports are described in details in other parts of this manual;
see the referenced area for further information:

(0)  SYSTEM Parameters: (2 - Utilities & Setup menu) 

(1)  TRANSACTIONS Listing: (2 - Transaction Entry menu)
(2)  G/L CHART of ACCOUNTS: (2 - Master Accounts Maintenance menu)

(3)  GENERAL LEDGER Report: (3 - Month/Year end menu)

(4)  TRIAL BALANCE:  (2 - Month/Year end menu)

(5)  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: (4 - Month/Year end menu)

(6)  BUDGET Trial Balance: (5 - Budget menu)

(7)  BUDGET Reports: (6 - Budget Financial Statements)

(8)  ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Reports: (3 - Receivables menu)

(9)  ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Reports: (3 - Payables menu)

(A)  AD-HOC Reports: (see this section)

Printing Ad-Hoc Reports
 SA:AHR01                                                          07/01/90
                                Sr ACCOUNTANT tm

                           A D - H O C   R E P O R T S

                    You are running an Ad-Hoc Report for:

                               GOOD PROFIT COMPANY

                    Enter the REPORT DATE (Mo/Dy/Yr) : 2/28/89:

Access: Press (A) on the Reports menu.

Printing Ad-Hoc Reports (continued)
 SA:AHR01                                                          07/01/90
                                Sr ACCOUNTANT tm

                           A D - H O C   R E P O R T S

First enter the following Selection Criteria for the files
you wish to extract the information from:

            G/L Account No.   from  :   :     to  :   :

            Sub-Ledger        from  :    :    to  :    :

            Source            from  :  :      to  :  :

            Reference         from  :        :to  :        :

            Dates             from  :  /  /  :to  : 2/28/89:

Fill the first field for one selection or leave blank for all

Access: From the previous screen ((A) on the Reports menu).


 The Ad-Hoc Report option gives you the option to "design" your own  reports - sorted by G/L account, source code, reference, or date.

 See next page for details on operation.

Printing Ad-Hoc Reports (continued)

 A. Enter a range of G/L accounts or leave blank for all.

 B. Enter a range of Sub-Ledger accounts or leave blank for all.

 C. Enter a range of Source codes or leave blank for all.

 D. Enter a range of Reference codes or leave blank for all.

 E. Enter a range of selection Dates or leave blank for all;
  the End date will default to the REPORT DATE (see first Ad-Hoc   screen).

 F. Enter (O) if the Old Master file is to be used,
         (C) if the Current Master file is to be used or 
         (N) if NO Master file is to be used.

  (This tells the computer which Master file (where the G/L
  accounts are) to use - (O)ld for accounts used before the last
  year end posting, (C)urrent for current Master accounts, or
  (N)one if you decide not to print the report.

The following prompt will appear on the screen:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------OLD TRANSACTION FILE:
              Drive:C:  File:G    TRN.DBF: enter (YrMo)

              Drive: :  File:TRAN.DBF:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Enter the Disk drive letter and the Data file name (eg. C:FILEA.DBF)

 For the Old Transaction file enter:  (for example: C:G8910TRN.DBF)
      "C:"   is the drive identifier
      "8910" is the month identifier
      "TRN"  identifies this file as a transaction file
      ".DBF" identifies this file as a DBASE file.

 If you do not know the name of the old transaction file, press <F1> to  request a list of old files, then use the cursor to select the one you  want to use.
 This tells the computer you wish to select records from an old file  (already posted in a previous year end posting).  No records will be  selected from an old file if you did not select (O) under item (F)  above.

Printing Ad-Hoc Reports (continued)

 For the Current Transaction file enter  (ex: C:TRAN.DBF)
      "C:" is the drive identifier.
      "TRAN.DBF" is the file identifier.

 This tells the computer you wish to select records from the current
 transaction file (TRAN.DBF).  No records will be selected from this
 file if you did not select (C) under item (F) above.

 G. On completion of all entries the system will request the
    "Do you want to (P)rint, (D)isplay or (S)ave to C:TEMPAH file or   (R)eturn".

  (P) to print the report.
  (D) to display the report on the screen.
  (S) to save the report to the TEMPAH file (temporary file).

Exit: Press (R) to return to the Report menu.

[Contents]  [Top]  [Overview]  [Operations]  [Appendix]  [Index]