Paytime tm                 EMPLOYEE FILE

The Employee information is kept in the PREMPE.DBF file.

PAYTIME                                                               3:02:13 pm
+------------------------------<EMPLOYEE FILE>---------------------------------+
¦                                                                              ¦
¦Employee Identification:         :  Company Identification :   :              ¦
¦    First Name :               :     Initial : :                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Surname :               :                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦      Position :               :        Dept : :                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Address :                         :                                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦          City :                         :                                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Province:                    :            Postal code :       :        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Telephone No:            :        Social Insurance Number :        0:      ¦
¦        Birthday (Mo/Dy/Yr) :  /  /  :     Seniority Date :  /  /  :          ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦           First Day Worked :  /  /  :    Last Day Worked :  /  /  :          ¦
P)roceed to next screen or (C)orrect ( )


Press <E> on the Entry & Correction Menu.


Enter the Employee Identification and Company Identification. If the computer does not find the Employee the following message will appear:
If you are adding this Employee to the file press <Y>, or if this is an error press <N > and correct the number. When you have entered all the information on this screen the computer will ask you to
(P)roceed to next screen, (C)orrect or (S)kip to Year to Date


Enter a BLANK Employee and press <Esc> to return to the Master Menu.

2nd Screen

PAYTIME                                                              11:15:22 am
+------------------------------<EMPLOYEE FILE>---------------------------------+
¦Bee   Cee                                                                     ¦
¦        Rate of Pay :   15.00: per:H: (M)onth, (W)eek, (H)our or (C)ommission ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦     Effective Date :  /  /  :     Average Regular Daily Hours : 7.50:        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦        Skill Rate  :  0.000: per hour     Mid pay ADVANCE :     0.00:        ¦
¦        Holiday Pay Percentage : 4.00:  Province of Employment :B C:          ¦
¦        Tax Exemptions per TD1:                                               ¦
¦         Net Claim Amount  : 6456.00:                                         ¦
¦         Extra Tax per pay  :   0.00:   Designated Area Amount :    0.00:     ¦
¦         Number of Dependants    : 0:              OAS Pension :    0.00:     ¦
¦               Provincial 'Y' factor (see MC book for details) :    0.00:     ¦
¦         Authorized Annual Deduction for Payments :    0.00:                  ¦
¦             Other Authorized Federal Tax Credits :    0.00:                  ¦
¦------- C.P.P. exemption (Y)es :N:        E.I. exemption (Y)es :N:     -------¦
¦        Estimated monthly Taxable Benefits, subject to EI      :   0.00:      ¦
¦        Estimated monthly Taxable Benefits, Not subject to EI  :   0.00:      ¦
¦        Estimated monthly Non Taxable Benefits, subject to EI  :   0.00:      ¦
       (P)roceed to next screen, (C)orrect  or  (S)kip to Year to Date ( )


From the previous screen.



If you specify that the employee has a monthly or weekly rate of pay, you must enter the normal work day hours. This is needed in the calculation of the overtime rate of pay for monthly or weekly employees. The computer will display various messages at the bottom of the screen if things are not right. If you have given the employee a monthly rate of pay and the company pay period is '1' or '2' the computer will make the appropriate conversion for the employee's weekly or bi-weekly rate of pay.


The commission period is used for employees who receive commissions and drawings on an irregular basis (e.g. real estate salesmen). The computer will deduct Employment Insurance Premiums on a yearly basis under this option, but does not keep track of Employment weeks. See the Employers' Guide to Payroll Deductions [T4001(E)] booklet for more instructions.


Enter the normal hours worked by the employee in the work day. This figure is used by the system to calculate the overtime rates for monthly or weekly employees, and for all employees to calculate the hours worked in the pay period using the Automatic Calculation of Hours.


It is important to place a percentage in here, because the computer keeps track of the amount of Holiday Pay owing to the Employee. Use the appropriate percentage for the employee. For example the following percentages represent the weeks of holiday beside them: The calculation of Holiday Pay is based on Gross Income less: Non-Taxable Pay & Holiday Pay; the computer ignores Taxable Benefits since these usually carry on while the Employee is taking their holidays.

If your company's Holiday Pay Rate is based on some other formula, enter 0.00% in the holiday pay percentage and keep track of the Holiday Pay on a manual system.


This field is use by the computer to calculate the Provincial Tax of the Employee. Use the following table to abbreviate the Provincial name:
 | Abbrv   | Province                     |
 |         |                              |
 |  ALT    | Alberta                      |
 |         |                              |
 |  B C    | British Columbia             |
 |         |                              |
 |  MAN    | Manitoba                     |
 |         |                              |
 |  N B    | New Brunswick                |
 |         |                              |
 |  NEW    | Newfoundland                 |
 |         |                              |
 |  N S    | Nova Scotia                  |
 |         |                              |
 |  ONT    | Ontario                      |
 |         |                              |
 |  PEI    | Prince Edward Island         |
 |         |                              |
 |  P Q    | Quebec                       |
 |         |                              |
 |  SAS    | Saskatchewan                 |
 |         |                              |
 |  N T    | Northwest Territories        |
 |         |                              |
 |  YUK    | Yukon                        |
 |         |                              |
 |  CAN    | Outside Canada               |

Note: make sure there are no periods or that the spacing is correct in this field.

Enter the following Tax Exemptions found on the TD1 form:


Check with the Government Regulations to see who is exempt from these contributions.


Enter the estimated monthly taxable benefits that the employee is likely to receive during the year, such as Car Allowances, Medical benefits or Free Board & Lodgings. The actual benefits will be added at the end of the year when you run the T4s procedure.

When you have entered all the information on this screen the computer will ask you to:

(P)roceed to next screen, (C)orrect or (S)kip to Year to Date


PAYTIME                                                              11:17:18 am
+------------------------------<EMPLOYEE FILE>---------------------------------+
¦                                                                              ¦
¦Bee   Cee                                                                     ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦      Private Pension Plan percentage : 0.00:                                 ¦
¦           Registered Pension Plan No :        :                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦          Medical Plan No 1 deduction :  0.00:                                ¦
¦          Medical Plan No 2 deduction :  0.00:                                ¦
¦                Dental Plan deduction :  0.00:                                ¦
¦              Optional Deduction No 1 :    0.00:                              ¦
¦              Optional Deduction No 2 :    0.00:                              ¦
¦      Court Ordered Maintenance Pymt. :    0.00:                              ¦
¦   Recurring Debt No 1 - Total:     0.00: Paid:     0.00: Payment:    0.00:   ¦
¦   Recurring Debt No 2 - Total:     0.00: Paid:     0.00: Payment:    0.00:   ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦   Union Dues :   0.00: per Hour                                              ¦
¦   Union Dues :   0.00: per Month    Union ID :          :                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦       Automatic HP calculation (Y/N) : :                                     ¦
¦   Type of Payment - Bank (T)ransfer, (C)heque, (P)ay slip, ( )default  : :   ¦
                   (P)roceed to next screen  or  (C)orrect ( )


From the previous screen.



The computer will deduct a pension deduction every Pay Day based on the following formula: If you wish to override this method of calculation, you may either use the KEY feature on the PAY PERIOD ENTRY program, or you can omit this percentage but enter the REGISTERED PENSION PLAN NO.; then the computer will give you an entry line for the PENSION deductions and you can make the calculation on a calculator and enter the amount.

Some companies are deducting RRSP contributions from their employees. To use this feature, ENTER 'RRSP' in the pension plan number field. When you run the payroll the computer will ask you for the amount of the contribution under the Pension deduction slot. At the end of the year this amount will be shown on the bottom of the T4 slip and not under the Pension Contributions. You will be able to use either the RRSP feature or the Pension Deductions in the year, but not both.

The maximum deduction for the year will be changed in the Annual Updates for both the Pension deduction and the RRSP deduction as the government regulations are changed.

If you have any other type of calculation write a custom dBASE V program called PTPENA.DBO.


The computer will make these deductions when requested by you. You do not need to have all these deductions made on the same pay period (See Pay Period Entries for more information).


The computer will make a deduction of the amount of the 'Payment' each Pay Day, but when the limit is reached the computer will stop making the deductions regardless of the request. If you wish to increase the amount due add the new amount to the 'Total' or re-entry all new amounts.


There are three methods of calculating Union Dues deductions in this system. The first is a flat MONTHLY dues; which in this case you enter the monthly amount of the deduction and enter 'M' after the word "per". The computer will the make this deduction once a month.

The second method is by HOURLY deductions at a rate of so much per hour. The computer will calculate this deduction based on all the hours worked in the period. Enter the hourly deduction in the amount field and 'H' after the word "per".

The third Method is a combination of both HOURLY and MONTHLY dues.

If any other method is used you will have to use the KEY feature to enter the Union Dues or write a custom dBASE program called PTUNNA.DBO.


When entering the dates, enter them as MONTH/DAY/YEAR. The computer will enter The Last Day Worked every PAY PERIOD as "the LAST DAY of the PAY PERIOD". If you do not know a date, you can key past the date by leaving it blank, otherwise it must be a valid date.


PAYTIME                                                               2:12:33 pm
+------------------------------<EMPLOYEE FILE>---------------------------------+
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                           YEAR to DATE INFORMATION                           ¦
¦        +------------------------------------------------------------+        ¦
¦        ¦ Regular Pay......:     0.00:  Overtime Pay.....:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Commissions......:     0.00:  Double time Pay..:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Holiday Pay......:     0.00:  Non-taxable Pay..:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Other Pay........:     0.00:  GROSS PAY........:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ CPP Exempt Earn..:     0.00:  E I Earnings......:    0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Income Tax.......:     0.00:  E I Weeks..........: 0.0000: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ C.P.P..............:   0.00:  E I Ded............:   0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Pension/RRSP.....:     0.00:  Medical No 1.....:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Dental Plan......:     0.00:  Medical No 2.....:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Union............:     0.00:  Quebec Tax.......:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Optional Ded 1...:     0.00:  Optional Ded 2...:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Other Deductions.:     0.00:  Est.Txble Bnfts..:     0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Holiday Bank.....:     0.00:  Hols Paid To......:  /  /  : ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Employment Weeks...: 0.0000:  Hours Worked.......:   0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Vacation Hours.....:   0.00:  Staty Hol Hrs......:   0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        ¦ Sick Time Hours....:   0.00:  Lieu Time Hrs......:   0.00: ¦        ¦
¦        +------------------------------------------------------------+        ¦
         (C)orrect Year to Date, (N)ext employee  or  (E)nd entries ( )


From the previous screen.


If you are starting to use "PAYTIME" in the middle of a year you should enter the year to date information before you run any pay slips. Once you have produced a Pay Slip for the Employee you should not adjust the year to date figures or you will not have a printed audit trail of any adjustment.


The actual taxable benefits are added by the computer when the T4's are run at the end of the year, but will use the Estimated Taxable Benefits amount if requested by you (See T4s instructions for more information).


This amount should be the holiday pay owing to the employee since their last holiday was taken. With the date of the last holiday entered by 'Hols Paid To'. If the amount cannot be determined it can be left blank and the computer will keep track of the holiday pay owing from the first pay period.


These figures are kept for statistical purposes, and reflects the amounts from the start of the calendar year. The computer clears these figures on running the 'Year End Close' option.


Because of the way this file is kept, it is NECESSARY to run the T4s Procedure to produce the T4 Slips & Summary at the end of the year.

If you are entering data, or you are reviewing the information, the following message will show on the bottom of the screen:

(C)orrect Year to Date, (N)ext employee  or  (E)nd entries : :


Press <E> to return to Master Menu.


PAYTIME                                                                 01/01/87
            P R I N T I N G  E M P L O Y E E  I N F O R M A T I O N

                      LOAD printer with 8 1/2" x 11" paper

                  Press 'L' for a listing of EMPLOYEES

                  Press 'D' for a detailed record of EMPLOYEE(s)

                  Press 'T' for TRIAL BALANCE of Employee Information

                  Press 'C' for CUSTOM Report on Employee File

               Enter your selection or (R)eturn to master menu : :


Press <P> on the Master Menu and <E> on the Report menu.


Load the printer with 8 1/2" x 11" paper then press the appropriate key.

If you wish to design a custom dBASE report, name the program PTREPRTA.DBO.


If you select <L> for a listing of all employees the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                                 01/01/87
            P R I N T I N G  E M P L O Y E E  I N F O R M A T I O N

            Press 'A' for a listing of all EMPLOYEES on the FILE

            Press 'C' for a listing of all EMPLOYEES of one COMPANY

            Press 'S' for a SENIORITY listing of one COMPANY

               Enter your selection or (R)eturn to master menu : :


From the previous menu


Make your selection and the following message will appear on the bottom of the screen:
  ENTER Company No. :   : 
Enter the Employer Identification. If the Company number is not found the following message appears:
COMPANY NOT FOUND!,Do you want to RETURN to MENU (Y/N): : 
If the Company record is located the following message is displayed:
               (Company Name)                         

               Is this the correct COMPANY (Y/N) : : 
Press <N> If the Employer is not correct then re-enter the correct code.

Press <Y> and the Employee list will print.


The computer will return to the Master Menu after printing the report.

DETAIL Reports

PAYTIME                                                                 01/01/87
            P R I N T I N G  E M P L O Y E E  I N F O R M A T I O N

               Press 'A' for a detailed record of all EMPLOYEES on the FILE

               Press 'C' for a detailed record of all EMPLOYEES of one COMPANY

               Press 'E' for a detailed record of one EMPLOYEE

               Enter your selection or (R)eturn to master menu : :


Press <D> on the Printing Employee Information screen.


Press <A> to print a detailed record of all the EMPLOYEES on the FILE.

Press <C> to print a detailed record of all EMPLOYEES of one COMPANY.

Press <E> to print a detailed record of one EMPLOYEE.

If <C> or <E> is selected the following message appears:

 ENTER Company No. :   :

Enter the Employer Identification 
If the Company record is not on file the following message appears:
COMPANY NOT FOUND!,Do you want to RETURN to MENU (Y/N): :
If the Company record is found the name is displayed:
(Company Name)

             Is this the correct COMPANY (Y/N) : :  
Press <N> if the Employer is not correct, then enter the correct code.

Press <Y> if the Employer is correct.

If <A> All selected the report will be printed.

If <C> or <E> selected the system will prompt:

ENTER Employee No. :   :  

Enter the Employee Identification
Enter the Employee Identification. If Employee not found the following message appears:
EMPLOYEE NOT FOUND! Do you want to RETURN to MENU (Y/N): :
If the Employee record is found the data is displayed.
(Employee Name)

Is this the correct EMPLOYEE (Y/N) : :  
Press <N> if the Employee is not correct, then enter the correct code.

Press <Y> will print out the Employee detail report.


The computer will return to the Master Menu after printing the report.

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