Sr ACCOUNTANT tm - Network Installation

Installation on a network using Windows 95

Since Windows 95 does not have the ability to map it's drives the same as Novell or Lantastic, you will need to either create a special batch file to run Sr Accountant or install a copy of Sr Accountant on any computer (Work Station) that is not acting as the file server (the computer where the program and data is).

Special Batch file

Create the following folder (directory) on the Work Station:


change to that folder


Copy the the following files to this folder: SAAUDIT.dbf and SAAUDIT.dbt.

Create a DOS batch file using Notepad.exe or, call it SA-WS1.bat (or any other name you would like), include the following commands:

@echo off 
echo Please wait while Sr Accountant is loading .... 
rem The following command will assume that SA.EXE is on the file ..... rem .... server in the E:\SA\ folder 

After Sr Accountant loads, the following screen will appear:

SA:DRIVES                                                             3:00:56 pm
                   ¦ D R I V E  S P E C I F I C A T I O N S ¦
¦              +-------------------------------------------------+             ¦
¦              ¦   Sr ACCOUNTANT System needs to know which      ¦             ¦
¦              ¦   Drives & Directory the Data Files are on.     ¦             ¦
¦              +-------------------------------------------------+             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦ Which DRIVE & DIRECTORY do you have the Program (*.EXE) files on?            ¦
¦                        :x:\ZSC\                                 :            ¦
¦ Which DRIVE & DIRECTORY do you have the Main Data (*.DBF) files on?          ¦
¦                        :x:\SA\                                  :            ¦
¦ Which DRIVE & DIRECTORY are the WORKING files on?                            ¦
¦                        :C:\ZSC\                                 :            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
                Example of DRIVE & DIRECTORY entry:  C:\ZSC\SA\

Where 'x' is the drive letter of the file Server assigned by Windows 95.

Exit Sr Accountant and copy the DR.MEM file to DR_E.MEM file in the C:\ZSC folder

Follow the "Adding Sr Accountant to the Program listing" instructions below to start the program.

Install program on Work Station

If space is not a problem you can install the Sr Accountant program on the Work Station.

Restart your computer in MS-DOS mode, or use Windows 95 - Explore program.

Create the following folder (directory) on the Work Station:


change to that folder


Copy the the following files to this folder: SA.EXE, SAAUDIT.dbf and SAAUDIT.dbt.

Type in SA to run Sr Accountant and follow the Drive Specification instructions above.

Follow the "Adding Sr Accountant to the Program listing" instructions below to start the program.

Adding Sr Accountant to the Program listing

To add Sr Accountant to the Program listing or on the Desktop.

Click the "Start" button.

Click the following:-
      "Start Menu Programs"
  and "Advanced..."

Click "File",

      go to the ZSC folder, double click the folder,

      double click the SA folder,
      double click the SA.exe ( or SA_WS1.bat as above),
      click "Next>",
      change shortcut name to 'Sr. Accountant',
      click "Next>",
      choose an icon,
      click "Finish".

Close all windows.

Click "Start",
      "Sr Accountant"
      "Full Screen" button.

Follow the Sr Accountant on screen installation and opertation instructions.