Sr Accountant tm Business Events - Payables

Extracted from the old Printed Manual:
Accounts Payables Functions
=========================================================================== SA:P0001                                                          07/01/90
                                Sr ACCOUNTANT tm

                                P A Y A B L E S

                          (1) Select ALL Payables

                          (2) Select SPECIFIC Payables

                          (3) Print Payables Report

Access: Press (1) then (P) on the Master Menu.

(1) ALL outstanding payable accounts are selected for cheques.
           Enter the Accounts Payable G/L # :  :
 If there are no outstanding payables, system returns to Master Menu.

(2)  Runs the payables cheque function for selected payables accounts;
           Enter the Accounts Payable G/L # :  :
     System will then ask for each sub-ledger payable # to be selected.
 Blank the sub-ledger account field to end selections (Cntrl-Y).

 The Browse facility will appear if there are outstanding accounts.  (otherwise; the system will return to the Master Menu) Amount  outstanding will show for each selected payable as the suggested  amount to be paid.  Make any changes to the payment amount(s) or enter  0 to cancel a cheque.

 When you are finished, press [Cntrl-End] to proceed with cheque  printing (see next page - Printing Cheques).

(3) Prints or displays accounts payables listing as follows; 
       Enter the Accounts Payable G/L # :  :
       Enter Report date (Mo/Dy/Yr) : 07/01/90:

 Then (P)rint the A/P Report on the printer or
  (D)isplay the A/P Report on the screen.

Exit:  Press (R) to return to the Master Menu.

Printing Cheques (A/P Functions continued)
=========================================================================== SA:P0002                                                          07/01/90
                                Sr  ACCOUNTANT tm

                          P R I N T I N G  C H E C K S

                   Load the printer with the appropriate checks

---------------------------------------------------------------------------              (P)rinter ready, (R)eturn, (M)ain menu or (Q)uit : :
Access: From the Payables Menu selections (1) or (2).

 A. Enter the date of the cheques as Mo/Day/Yr.

 B. Enter the cheque number that the cheque should begin with.

 C. Enter the G/L account number for the bank account used.

 D. Enter the SOURCE code for the bank account used (e.g., CD for CASH     DISBURSEMENTS).

 Upon completion of items A - D above, the following message will  appear:

           "PLEASE WAIT while the Payable Checks are PRINTED"

                  "PRESS "Esc" to abort printing"

   If printing was completed, the following message will appear:

        "If printing was okay, do you wish to post checks (Y/N)"

        Enter "Y" to proceed with posting cheque entries.
              "N" to postpone posting until another cheque run.

Exit:  Press (P) to initiate posting of cheques,
             (M) to return to the Master Menu,
     (Q) to exit Sr ACCOUNTANT.



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