Payroll Employer file

Database Name: PREMPR.dbf

Field Name  Type  Lgth  Dec.  Indx  Description 
COMP  Employer Identification 
NAME  30  Employer Name 
ADDRESS  25  Street part of Employer's Address 
CITY  25  City of Address 
PROVINCE  20  Province of Address 
POST_CDE  7 Postal Code 
TEL  14  Employer's Telephone 
RPP_NO  Registered Pension Plan No 
REMIT_NO  11  Tax remittance No. 
MEPER  Normal pay period of the Employer 
MPFRM  Last Pay Period Stating Date 
MPTO  Last Pay Period Ending Date 
MPAYDAY  Last Pay Date 
MSHP  Suppress H.P. (Y/N) 
MUIP  Special UI Rate 
MDBF  Generate Month End file (Y/N) 
MHE  Type of Hours Entry 
MPT  Print Pay slips or Cheques 
MP1  14  Medical Deduction #1 Description 
MP2  14  Medical Deduction #2 Description 
DPL  14  Dental Plan Deduction Description 
OD1  14  Other Deduction #1 Description 
OD2  14  Other Deduction #2 Description 
RD1  14  Recurring Deduction #1 Description 
RD2  14  Recurring Deduction #2 Description 
DUN  Union deduction flag 
DMP1  Medical Deduction #1 flag 
DMP2  Medical Deduction #2 flag 
DDPL  Dental Plan Deduction flag 
DOD1  Other Deduction #1 flag 
DOD2  Other Deduction #2 flag 
SDY  Start day of week 
LDY  Last day of week 
RPERIOD  Remittance Reporting Period 
RDATE  Last Remittance Reporting Date 
GLAW  G/L Accrued Wages 
GLBK  G/L Payroll Bank Account 
GLPQT  G/L Quebec Tax Payable 
GLFDT  G/L Federal Tax Payable 
GLADV  G/L Advances 
GLUD  G/L Union Dues Payable 
GLPD  G/L Pension Deduction Payable 
GLD1P  G/L Deduction #1 Payable 
GLD2P  G/L Deduction #2 Payable 
GLD3P  G/L Deduction #3 Payable 
GLD4P  G/L Deduction #4 Payable 
GLD5P  G/L Deduction #5 Payable 
GLR1P  G/L Recurring Debt #1 Receivable 
GLR2P  G/L Recurring Debt #2 Receivable 
GLOD  G/L Other Deductions 
GLCPP  G/L CPP Expenses 
GLUI  G/L UI Expenses 
GLRT  G/L RT Expenses 
GLOT  G/L OT Expenses 
GLDT  G/L DT Expenses 
GLCOM  G/L Commission Expenses 
GLHP  G/L Holiday Pay Expenses 
GLNT  G/L Non Taxable Pay Expenses 
GLOP  G/L Other Pay Expenses 
AHP  Accumulated Holiday Pay code 

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