PAYTIME                                                               4:37:46 pm
                 ¦  Human Resources:  M A S T E R   M E N U  ¦

                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ E>  to ENTER Human Resources Information  ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ P>  to PRINT Human Resources Reports      ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ B>  to BROWSE/VIEW Human Resource Files   ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ T>  to Enter Bank TRANSFER Information    ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦

          Allows you to Enter Human Resources Information to the files


From the Paytime Master Menu.



        <E>     to access the ADD/EDIT MENU.

        <P>     to access the REPORT MENU.

        <B>     to view the data file using the BROWSE command.

        <T>     to enter information to allow automatic BANK TRANSFER of payments


Press <Esc> to return to the PayTime MASTER MENU.

Human Resources:ADD / EDIT MENU:

PAYTIME                                                               4:42:13 pm
               ¦  Human Resources:  A D D / E D I T   M E N U  ¦

               ¦                                               ¦
               ¦ 1> to Enter EMPLOYEE Information              ¦
               ¦                                               ¦
               ¦ 2> to Enter EMPLOYEE Notes                    ¦
               ¦                                               ¦
               ¦ 3> to Re-Organize the Data files              ¦
               ¦                                               ¦

 Choose letter or position highlight bar and press [Enter] or 'Esc' to return


Press <E> on the Human Resources MASTER MENU.




        <2>     to ADD/EDIT EMPLOYEE NOTES.

        <3>     to REORGANIZE THE DATA FILES


Press <Esc> to return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU.

If you pressed <1> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               4:53:00 pm
                   ¦ E M P L O Y E E  I N F O R M A T I O N ¦
¦Employee Identification/?:         :   Company :   : Press F10 to end         ¦
¦   Years of Services            Job Classification                            ¦
¦                 Sex          Number of Dependents                            ¦
¦  Union Member (Y/N)         Date of Joining Union                            ¦
¦           Education                                                          ¦
¦Name & Address of Next of Kin                                                 ¦
¦                       Street                                                 ¦
¦                     Province                                                 ¦
¦                  Postal Code                                                 ¦
¦                    Telephone                                                 ¦
¦Group Insurance                            Date Eligible                      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦Pension Plan                               Date Eligible                      ¦


Press <1> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU.


Enter the Employee Identification, or '?' in the Employee No to review the list of Employees.  If the computer does not find your selection, the computer will add a new record to the HUMAN RESOURSES (HREMPE.dbf) file, providing it is in the EMPLOYEE (PREMPE.dbf) file. Enter or Edit the employee information. If you want to add to the MEMO field see the "Add/Edit EMPLOYEE Notes" below.


Press <F10> to return to the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU.

If you pressed <2> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                              10:24:13 am
                ¦ A D D / E D I T  E M P L O Y E E  N O T E S ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                Enter Company  No. or blank to abort :001:                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                Enter Employee No.                   :BC       :              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                    +------------------------------------+                    ¦
¦                    ¦ Employee: BC        Date: 03/28/97 ¦                    ¦
¦                    +------------------------------------+                    ¦

         Press 'Ctrl-Home' to access :MEMO: - then 'Ctrl-End' to exit.


Press <2> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU.


Enter the Company No. and the Employee No., or '?' in the Employee No to review the list of Employees. Once the Employee Name is displayed, Press 'Ctrl-Home' to access :MEMO: field. Enter your information, up to 32 pages of information can be stored. When you have finished press 'Ctrl-End' and then when the :memo: turns to capital letters then 'Ctrl-End' to enter the next employee. If the MEMO field is in capital letters, then there is information in the field.


Press <Esc> to return to the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU

If you pressed <3> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                              10:47:12 am
               ¦  R E O R G A N I Z E  the  D A T A  F I L E S  ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦               +--------------------------------------------+               ¦
 ¦               ¦  BACK-UP the Data Files before proceeding  ¦               ¦
 ¦               +--------------------------------------------+               ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦
 ¦                                                                            ¦

                        (P)roceed or (R)eturn to menu ( )


Press <2> on the Human Resourses: ADD/EDIT MENU.


This procedure with reorganize the HUMAN RESOURSES (HREMPE.dbf) file.


When the file is reorganized the computer will return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU

Human Resources:REPORT MENU:

PAYTIME                                                               5:00:32 pm
                 ¦  Human Resources:  R E P O R T   M E N U  ¦

                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ 1> to print List of EMPLOYEE Information  ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ 2> to print EMPLOYEE Notes                ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ 3> to print R&R Report Writer Reports     ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦
                 ¦ 4> to Add New R&R Report Writer Reports   ¦
                 ¦                                           ¦

 Choose letter or position highlight bar and press [Enter] or 'Esc' to return


Press <1> on the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU.




Press <Esc> to return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU.

If you pressed <1> on the Human Resourses: REPORT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               5:04:50 pm
               ¦ C U S T O M  E M P L O Y E E  L I S T I N G S ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                  Enter Report Date (Mo/Dy/Yr)  :03/27/97:                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                  Enter Report        (Name/?)  :HP      :                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦

                         Is this a NEW Report (Y/N) ( )


Press <1> on the REPORT MENU.


You will be asked to enter a report date and a report name.  If you want to list and select existing reports, press <?>.  If you want to add a new report, enter the new name and press <Y> when asked if you are entering a new report.
PAYTIME                                                               5:07:21 pm
               ¦ C U S T O M  E M P L O Y E E  L I S T I N G S ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    The output list  will normally be  indexed in COMPANY & EMPLOYEE order.   ¦
¦    You may change this if you select this option below.                      ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦

               Do you wish (S)tandard or (O)ptional sort (S/O) ( )
The output list will normally be indexed in Company & Employee order; if you choose to have your report indexed in that order press <S> for STANDARD index order, otherwise, press <O> for an OPTIONAL order listing, and the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               5:09:19 pm
+-----------------<SELECTION CRITERIA for ORDER of PRINTING>-------------------+
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦      Choice  Field                                                           ¦
¦      ------  -----                                                           ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦        A ... Company        *                        INDEXING ORDER          ¦
¦                                                      +------------+          ¦
¦        B ... Employee No.                            |            |          ¦
¦                                                      +------------+          ¦
¦        C ... Employee Name.                                                  ¦
¦                                                     *  Sub-heading will be   ¦
¦        D ... Department                                created for the 1st   ¦
¦                                                        selection in these    ¦
¦                                                        fields.               ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦

       Press the LETTER opposite your choice or (T)erminate selection ( )
Press the letter opposite to your choice to select in what order to obtain your listing.  When done, press <T>. If you are creating a new report, the following screen will appear, allowing you to select the information (fields) you want in your report:
PAYTIME                                                               5:11:43 pm
+------------------<SELECTION CRITERIA of FIELDS to PRINT>---------------------+
¦                                      +---------------------------------------+
¦                                      ¦FIELD_DESC                    ¦SEL     ¦
¦                                      ¦------------------------------+--------¦
¦                                      ¦Employee Identification       ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Department                    ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦First Name                    ¦1       ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Initial                       ¦2       ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Last Name                     ¦3       ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Street Address                ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦City                          ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Province                      ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Postal Code                   ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Telephone Number              ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Social Insurance Number       ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Position                      ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Holiday Pay Percentage        ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Rate of Pay                   ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Unit of Rate of Pay           ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Normal Daily Hours Worked     ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Mid Month Advance             ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦Outstanding Advance           ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Net Claim on TD1              ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Prescribed Exemption Line 19  ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Other Federal Tax Credit      ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Authorized Annual Deductions  ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦OAS Pension                   ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Provincial Exemption Amount   ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Commissions per TD1X Line 8(a)¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Expenses    per TD1X Line 9(e)¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦C.P.P. Exemption              ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦U.I. Exemption                ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Est. Monthly Taxable Benifits ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Est. Benifits with no U.I. Ded¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Pension Plan Number           ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Pension Plan Percentage       ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦Medical Plan 1 Deduction      ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Medical Plan 2 Deduction      ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Dental Plan Deduction         ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Other Deduction 1             ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Other Deduction 2             ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Recurring Deduction 1         ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Recurring Deduction 1 Balance ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Recurring Deduction 1 Total   ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Recurring Deduction 2         ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Recurring Deduction 2 Balance ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Recurring Deduction 1 Total   ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Union Deduction 1             ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Union Deduction 2             ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Union Deduction Period        ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Union Code                    ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦First Day Worked              ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Seniority Date                ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Birth Date                    ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Extra Tax Deduction Line 18   ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Last Day Worked               ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Date Pay Rate was effective   ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Province of Employment        ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦No. of dependants             ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Skill Rate per Hour           ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Regular Time Pay Total        ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Overtime Pay Total            ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Double Time Pay Total         ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Hours Worked Total            ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Commission Total              ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Holiday Pay Paid Total        ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦Holiday Pay Bank              ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Date of Last Holiday          ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Other Pay Total               ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Non Taxable Pay Total         ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Gross Earnings                ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Income Tax Total              ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦C.P.P. Total                  ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Q.P.P. Total                  ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦C.P.P.Excempt Earnings        ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Q.P.P.Excempt Earnings        ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦U.I. Total                    ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦U.I. Earnings                 ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦U.I. Insurable Weeks          ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Pension Total                 ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Medical Plan 1 Total          ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦Medical Plan 2 Total          ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Dental Plan Total             ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Union Total                   ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Quebec Tax Total              ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Other Deductions 1 Total      ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Other Deductions 2 Total      ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Miscellaneous Deduction Total ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Taxable Benifits Total        ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Weeks Worked                  ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Holiday Pay Hours Total       ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Sick Pay Hours Total          ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Stat. Holiday Pay Hours Total ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦[Not Used]                    ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Job classification            ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Job classification            ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a number in the 'SEL' column  ¦¦Sex                           ¦        ¦
¦¦opposite the field you want on your ¦¦Number of dependents          ¦        ¦
¦¦report in the order of printing,    ¦¦Date of joining union         ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Education                     ¦        ¦
¦¦Enter a capital 'T' after the number¦¦Next of Kin Name              ¦        ¦
¦¦if you wish totals for the field.   ¦¦Next of Kin Address           ¦        ¦
¦¦                                    ¦¦Next of Kin Province          ¦        ¦
¦¦Press Ctrl-End to exit              ¦¦Next of Kin Postal Code       ¦        ¦
¦+------------------------------------+¦Next of Kin Telephone No.     ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Group Insurance               ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Group Insurance Effective Date¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Pension                       ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Pension Effective Date        ¦        ¦
¦                                      ¦Year of service               ¦        ¦
To select the fields you want to use, enter the field numbers in numeric order under the SEL column ( i.e. '1', '2', '3' ...).  If you want to obtain a Total sum for that field, enter a <T> after the number (i.e. '2T' or '5T'.)

When you are done, press the <Ctrl>+<End> keys.

After obtaining a print out, you will be asked (when creating a new report) if you want to save the report you have created.  If the printing was OK, and you would like to use the report again, press <Y>, and enter a description of that report for easier identification in the future.


When the report has printed the computer will return to the Human Resourses: REPORT MENU

If you pressed <2> on the Human Resourses: REPORT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               5:49:37 pm
                   ¦ P R I N T  E M P L O Y E E  N O T E S ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                Enter Company  No. or blank to abort :   :                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                Enter Employee No.                   :         :              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦


Press <2> on the REPORT MENU.


Enter the Company No. and the Employee No., or '?' in the Employee No to review the list of Employees. Then the computer will print the contents of the MEMO field.


The computer with then return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU

If you pressed <3> on the Human Resourses: REPORT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               3:23:27 pm
                 ¦  Human Resources:  R E P O R T   M E N U  ¦
 ¦REPORT                                                           ¦NAME      ¦
 ¦<Custom Report written by R&R Report Writer>                     ¦TEST      ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
 ¦                                                                 ¦          ¦
            Move the highlite bar to your selection and press 'Esc'


Press <3> on the Human Resources REPORT MENU.


To select the report you wish to print move the highlite bar to your selection and press 'Esc'. The computer will then the report and then give you the following options:
(P)rint report, (D)isplay report or (R)eturn to menu ( )
Select your choice. See below on how to add new reports to the custom reports menu.


The computer with then return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU

If you pressed <4> on the Human Resourses: REPORT MENU, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               3:43:03 pm
               ¦ R & R  R E P O R T S  L I B R A R Y  I N D E X ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦Enter REPORT name, ? to query report index or leave blank to exit             ¦
:                              :                                               ¦
Enter Report Description:                                                      ¦
:                                                                              :
Enter R&R Library File:                                                        ¦
:                                                                              :
Enter Master database file:                                                    ¦
:                                                                              :
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦


Press <4> on the Human Resources REPORT MENU.


This will add a record to the Report Writer selection (HRIN.dbf) file for any new R&R Report Writer Report that you have created. See your R&R Report Writer manual for a further explanation on how to write the reports.


The computer with then return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU

BROWSE/VIEW Human Resource Files

PAYTIME                                                              11:31:31 am
                 ¦  Human Resources:  M A S T E R   M E N U  ¦

           Browse (H)uman Resources file or Employee (N)otes file ( )


Press <B> on the Human Resources MASTER MENU.


Select the file you wish to Browse. Refer to the "APPENDIX  D-1" on how to use the dBASE BROWSE Command.


Press <Esc> to return to the Human Resourses: MASTER MENU

Enter Bank TRANSFER Information

PAYTIME                                                               5:27:32 pm
     ¦ E M P L O Y E E   B A N K  T R A N S F E R   I N F O R M A T I O N ¦

 (A)dd/edit transfer information, (T)ag/load records, (B)rowse  or (R)eturn ( )


Press <T> on the Human Resources MASTER MENU.




Select <R> to return to the master menu.

If you pressed <A>, the following screen will appear:
PAYTIME                                                               5:29:56 pm
     ¦ E M P L O Y E E   B A N K  T R A N S F E R   I N F O R M A T I O N ¦

¦ Employee Identification :BC       :   Company :001: Press F10 or 'Esc' to end¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦ Cee, Bee                                                                     ¦
¦        Effective Date :01/01/97:                                             ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦    Employee's Bank ID :         :                                            ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦ Employee's Account No :            :                                         ¦

  ¦ Bank ID: 1st digit 0, next 3 are Bank No. and last 5 are branch          ¦
  ¦                                                                          ¦
  ¦ Employee's Account No must be left justified followed by blanks          ¦

                 Leave the Effective date blank to abort entry


Pressing <A> from the Bank Transfer Information Screen.


Enter Employee and Company identification.
Enter Employee's Bank identification.
Enter Employee's Bank Account Number.


Press <ESC> or <F10> to exit and return to the previous menu.

If you pressed <T>, the following screen will appear:
 Records   Organize   Fields   Go To   Exit                           5:32:46 pm
¦EMP_ID      ¦PTYPE¦NAME                                                       ¦
¦001BC       ¦C    ¦Cee, Bee                                                   ¦
¦001ONT      ¦T    ¦Toronto, Ollie N                                           ¦
¦002ALT      ¦     ¦Alberta, Albert A                                          ¦
¦            ¦     ¦                                                           ¦
¦            ¦     ¦                                                           ¦
¦            ¦     ¦                                                           ¦
¦            ¦     ¦                                                           ¦
Browse  ¦C:\pt4\PREMPE           ¦Rec 1/13         ¦File ¦ExclLock¦   Num

           Enter 'T' for transfer, 'C' for cheque or ' ' for pay slip


Select <T> from the first Bank Transfer Information Screen.


Into the PTYPE field enter 'T' for a Bank Transfer, 'C' for a Cheque, or a Blank for a Pay Slip.

The computer will then ask:

(P)roceed with load of employees using Bank Transfer payment or (R)eturn : :
Take the appropriate action. If you proceed the computer will add a record to the Human Resources (HREMPE.dbf) file for those employee's not already in the file.


Press <Ctrl>+<End> to save the changes and exit this screen and return to the Human Resources MASTER MENU.

If you pressed <T>, the following screen will appear:
 Records   Organize   Fields   Go To   Exit                          11:58:20 am
¦EMP_ID      ¦EFF_DATE¦BANK_ID  ¦EMP_ACCT    ¦NAME                             ¦
¦001BC       ¦  /  /  ¦         ¦            ¦Cee, Bee                         ¦
¦001ONT      ¦10/01/95¦123456   ¦012312345   ¦Toronto, Ollie N                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
¦            ¦        ¦         ¦            ¦                                 ¦
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Browse  ¦C:\pt4\HREMPE           ¦Rec 2/3          ¦File ¦ExclLock¦   Num


Select <B> from the first Bank Transfer Information Screen.


Make any changes to the Effective Date (EFF_DATE), Bank Identification (BANK_ID) or Employee's Bank Account (EMP_ACCT) fields. Remember that this Information is highly confidential and you should protect the access to the information (see APPENDIX for Security Issues). 


Press <Ctrl>+<End> to save the changes and exit this screen and return to the Human Resources MASTER MENU.
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