PAYTIME______________________________________________________________ 3:26:38 pm
_____________¦ P A Y T I M E  V A L I D A T I O N  P R O G R A M ¦______________
__________¦ V> to Validate the Employee Year to Date file            ¦__________
__________¦                                                          ¦__________
__________¦ D> to Print/Display Employee Validation file to Actual   ¦__________
__________¦                                                          ¦__________
__________¦ B> to Browse the Yearly transactions (P9999TRN.dbf) file ¦__________
__________¦                                                          ¦__________
__________¦ P> to Print/Display a listing of the P9999TRN.dbf file   ¦__________
__________¦                                                          ¦__________
__________¦ L> to Look at Last years Holiday Pay Bank Information    ¦__________
 Choose letter or position highlight bar and press [Enter] or 'Esc' to return


From the "Master Menu" press [O]; then press [V] on the Year End & Utilities Menu.


Validate the Employee Year to Date file

From the "Paytime Validation Program" menu, press [V], and the the following prompt will appear:

    "There are records in the Validation file. (C)lear, (V)iew or (P)roceed (  )".

If you wish to rebuild the Validation file press [C];

To look at the records that are in the current Validation file, press [V] and a browse screen will appear {see 'Browse the Yearly transactions (P9999TRN.dbf) file' below}

If the file contained most of the records that to you want, press [P] to proceed, and the following screen will appear:

PAYTIME______________________________________________________________ 3:33:26 pm
_____________¦ P A Y T I M E  V A L I D A T I O N  P R O G R A M ¦______________
__________________________¦TYPE¦FILE    ¦DATE      ¦____________________________
__________________________¦TRN ¦P0101TRN¦01/15/2005¦_¦ Press 'F10' to access ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ menu to delete files  ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ from list.            ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦-----------------------¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ Remember you must     ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ clear the Validation  ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ file to delete records¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ previously added.     ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦-----------------------¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦ Press [Enter] to      ¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_¦               Proceed.¦__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦_+-----------------------+__
__________________________¦    ¦        ¦          ¦____________________________
___________________Current files in the FILE Validation list____________________

On the this screen, you are presented with a list of the archive files that makeup the validation information that your want. Your report will be based on this information in the Validation file (P9999TRN.dbf).
Press [F10] if you want to remove any of the files from the list, and 'Mark record for deletion'. The file will not disappear from the list till you proceed to the next procedure.

Press [Enter] to bring up the
"(A)dd to file list, (P)roceed to next step or (R)eturn to menu (A)" prompt.

Press [A] to add to another archive file to the Validation File List; you are then presented with a list of all the archived pay files; move the cursor down the file to the file you wish to add and press [Enter]. Repeat the process above. to add more archive files to the Validation File List.
Once you are satisfied with the list,  Press [P] to proceed to the next screen.

This procedure will merges all the archived files in the Validation List into the Validation file, then puts you in a browse screen {see above}. Make any corrections that you need to do the file (use great care, because a mistake here could affect your reports. this is live data, and if you make a mistake press [Esc] immediately and the correction will not be made on the line that you are on.

Once all corrections are made, move of the last line changed and press [Esc] to return to the "Paytime Validation Menu".

Print/Display Employee Validation file to Actual

Press [D] to Printer or Display the "PAYROLL REPORT:  EMPLOYEE - YEAR TO DATE DISCREPANCIES" listing of information in the Validation File (P9999TRN.dbf) file and the actual information in the employee (PREMPE.dbf) file.

You are prompted with
    "Do you want to (P)rint, (D)isplay or (R)eturn to menu ( )";
so you can printing or display the report; or returning to the previous menu; you can choose to print the information for one employee by entering the employee's 'Company' and 'Employee No.', or leave the field blank for all employees. If you're printing all employees remember that this report will print one new page for each employee.

This report will show any year-to-date discrepancies that may have ocured between the archived pay slip file is and the actual year-to-date information in the employee file.  If there are discrepancies,  there could be various reasons for this. One is that you failed to include one of the pay slip file in the Validation list, or that a change to the employee file has been made for some reason.

Review the information from the any previous reports and information to determine what may be the problem. You can use the "Browse the Yearly transaction (P9999TRN.dbf) file" to see what the details are on the file. You can set the order your like, by using one of the browse command's menu.

It should be NOTED that if you make any changes to this yearly transaction file the changes will not be made in your actual data files, since the Validation file is is just the copy of the actual data.

Browse the Yearly transactions (P9999TRN.dbf) file

From the "Paytime Validation Program" menu, press [B], and the the following prompt will appear:
    "Browse by (E)mp/payday, Emp/(H)ol., (C)heck/payday or (P)ay period (B)"

Here you can select how you view the Validation file, choose the appropriate order you wish to view. The appropriate browse screen will appear:
 Records   Organize   Fields   Go To   Exit                           3:43:53 pm
¦CDE          ¦GROSS    ¦INCTAX   ¦CPP     ¦UI      ¦NET      ¦PAYDAY    ¦CHKNO¦
¦TSTALT       ¦  1650.00¦   422.44¦   55.39¦   42.08¦   992.63¦01/15/2001¦     ¦
¦TSTMAN       ¦  1650.00¦   457.89¦   55.39¦   42.08¦   957.18¦01/15/2001¦   14¦
¦TSTNUN       ¦  1650.00¦   401.79¦   55.39¦   42.08¦  1013.28¦01/15/2001¦   15¦
¦TSTONT       ¦  1650.00¦   405.20¦   55.39¦   42.08¦  1009.87¦01/15/2001¦   14¦
¦TSTPEI       ¦  1650.00¦   455.78¦   55.39¦   42.08¦   959.29¦01/15/2001¦   14¦
¦TSTSAS       ¦  1650.00¦   478.29¦   55.39¦   42.08¦   936.78¦01/15/2001¦   14¦
¦TSTBC        ¦  1650.00¦   429.71¦   55.39¦   42.08¦   985.36¦01/15/2001¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
¦             ¦         ¦         ¦        ¦        ¦         ¦          ¦     ¦
Browse  ¦C:\pt4\P9999TRN         ¦Rec 8/8          ¦File ¦ExclLock¦   Num      

             Press 'End' to see Employee name and 'Esc' to proceed
The Validation file is called P9999TRN.dbf.

{Refer to the "dBASE Browse Command" in the Appendix of the Paytime Online manual for the instructions on how to navigate this screen.}

Print/Display a listing of the P9999TRN.dbf file

Press [P] to Printer or Display "PAYROLL REPORT:  EMPLOYEE - YEAR TO DATE TRANSACTIONS LISTING" of information in theValidation (P9999TRN.dbf) file.

You are prompted with
    "Do you want to (P)rint, (D)isplay or (R)eturn to menu ( )";
so you can printing or display the report; or returning to the previous menu; you can choose to print the information for one employee by entering the employee's 'Company' and 'Employee No.' (rember to leave blank space for the Company if less than three digits), or leave the field blank for all employees. If you're printing all employees remember that this report will print one new page for each employee.

This report shows all the pay day records that have been selected in Validation List file above, for one or all the employees.

Look at Last years Holiday Pay Bank Information

Press [L] to look at Last years Accrued Holiday Pay in the previous Years Employee (PxxEMP.dbf) file.


Press <Esc> to return to the Year End & Utilities Menu.

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"PAYTIME" is COPYRIGHTED (c) 1983-2004 by and is a TRADEMARK owned by: A B D SYSTEMS Co.