PAYTIME                                                               6:38:51 am
                    ¦ P A Y  S L I P  C O R R E C T I O N ¦

¦                                                                              ¦
¦         ENTER the Company and Employee of PAY SLIP you wish to correct       ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                   +-------------------------------------+                    ¦
¦                   ¦ WARNING! EXERCISE EXTREME CARE WHEN ¦                    ¦
¦                   ¦ MAKING CORRECTIONS, SINCE THE BUILT ¦                    ¦
¦                   ¦ IN CHECKS  ARE  OVERRIDDEN  IN THIS ¦                    ¦
¦                   ¦ SEGMENT OF THE SYSTEM.              ¦                    ¦
¦                   +-------------------------------------+                    ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦         ENTER Company  No.  :   :     ENTER Employee No.  :         :        ¦
¦                                                                              ¦
¦                                                                              ¦


Press <E> on Master menu and <C> on the Entry menu.


To correct the PAY PERIOD hours data, or any other PAYSLIP information.

The system will prompt for:

Enter the requested information or leave BLANK to return to menu.

If the Company No. is not valid a message will appear:

If the Employee No. is not valid a message will appear:
If there is a match the company name and employee name will appear at the bottom of the screen, followed by this message :
Is this the correct EMPLOYEE (Y/N)? : :
Press <Y> to continue with the processing.

If the employee has a record in the current PAY SLIP file, the following message will appear:

(C)orrect or (D)elete current pay slip ( )
or if not found:
(R)everse previous pay slip, (Y)ear to date Adjustment or (A)bort ( )
if you press <R>, a popup screen will appear show the archived PAY SLIP files:

Move the cursor to the appropriate file and press <Enter>, if the employee is NOT found in the selected file the following message will appear:

 There are no records for xxx       in selected month, (R)etry ( )

If you are unable to find the employee you can press 'Esc' and the following message will appear:

(M)anually reverse pay slip or (R)eturn to menu (R)

Take the appropriate action; if you are correcting or deleting a pay slip the computer will lok for the pay slip, but if it cannot find a pay slip for the employee the following message will appear:

Pay Slip NOT FOUND for this EMPLOYEE

and the computer will take you back to the beginning of this program. In the case of a reversing entry, if the employee is already entered the following message will appear:

This EMPLOYEE is already ENTERED on the files
If you pressed <Y> you will be allowed to make an adjustment to the employee's year to date information.

Otherwise the pay slip will appear:

 Employee:BC       :Dept : :                                       Company:001:
+---------------------------------<PAY SLIP>-----------------------------------+
¦ Earnings Period :2: EI Period :2:                          Pay Date:03/01/97:¦
¦ From :02/16/97: to :03/01/97:       -------RT--------OT--------DT-----Total- ¦
¦                               Hours      80.0       0.0       0.0            ¦
¦ EARNINGS:                          $   oooo.oo      0.00      0.00   oooo.oo ¦
¦             Vacation Hrs. :   0.0:       (1):                    ::     0.00:¦
¦             Stat.Hol Hrs. :   0.0:       (2):                    ::     0.00:¦
¦             Sick Pay Hrs. :   0.0:       (3):                    ::     0.00:¦
¦                                                       GROSS PAY      oooo.oo ¦
¦ DEDUCTIONS:                                 Income Tax           $    ooo.oo ¦
¦                                             C.P.P.                     oo.oo ¦
¦                                             E.I.                       oo.oo ¦
¦ (1):              :       :     0.00:   (6):              :       :     0.00:¦
¦ (2):              :       :     0.00:   (7):              :       :     0.00:¦
¦ (3):              :       :     0.00:   (8):              :       :     0.00:¦
¦ (4):              :       :     0.00:                                   0.00 ¦
¦ (5):              :       :     0.00:                                   0.00 ¦
¦                                                       NET PAY        oooo.oo ¦
¦ E I Earnings:  oooo.oo: E I Hours  80.0 :      NAME:Bee   Cee:               ¦


From the previous screen.


If you have deleted the pay slip, you can enter another one for that employee through the normal entry method. If you already posted the pay slip you wish to correct you must enter a reverse pay slip. Print and post this pay slip, then enter a correct version in the normal entry method.

When you have finished the entry, the following message will appear:

(M)ore corrections  or  (E)nd entries: :
Press <M> to process more transactions.

Press <E> to indicate that you have finished correcting the PAY SLIPS.


The insurable earnings here are calculated on the amount deducted for the E.I.premium. Be sure there are insurable earnings in all of the weeks of this employment period.

Read the Government manuals for a more detailed explanation of how the insurable earnings & weeks are calculated.


Press <E> to exit from the PAY PERIOD CORRECTIONS. If there are PAY SLIPS are in the file the computer will take you to the PRINTING PAY CHEQUES procedure or return to the MASTER MENU.

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