SEWARD's on the Net

All items are and are added in Feb.,1999. We have organized the listing by the following countries: Canada, England and the U.S.A..

Seward Family Genealogy Forum


 Corey Seward from Halifax, Nova Scotia.


 Julian Seward from Guildford, U.K.

 Seward Rover - Rover and MG dealer in Hampshire, U.K.


Seward - a town in Alaska, they even have their own Internet connection.

Seward County in the Blue River valley, near Lincoln, Nebraska.

Seward Neighborhood a part of Minneapolis, MN.

Mr. Seward as referenced in "The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799".

Seward Park High School on Grand St., New York, NY.

Charles Mitchell Seward - grandson of William Henry Seward [info].

Ed Seward - Pitcher for Philadelphia "Athletics" circa (1887-90) [picture].

Fredrick William Seward - Witness for President Andrew Johnson at "The Trial for Andrew Johnson" from the American Memory Collection.

Ft. William H. Seward- "The Post" - built near Haines, Alaska in 1902.

Jim Seward - great great nephew of William Henry Seward [info].

Colonel John Seward (1730-1797) - grandfather of William Henry Seward [info].

Samuel Swesey Seward (1768-1849) - father of William Henry Seward [info].

Dr. Mark Seward - "Gila Monster" Web site from Colorado.

Lieutenant William Seward - of Guilford, CT in the 1600's. This line of Seward's is not related to W.H. Seward [info].

The William Seward Inn - located in the heart of Chautauqua County, New York.

William Henry Seward (1801-1872) - served in the following political offices: New York State Senator,  New York State Governor,  United States Senator Secretary of State for President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson. Purchased the Alaskan Territory for the U.S.A. [more],[more including picture], [papers at Rochester University],[speech "The Irrepressible Conflict"],[picture],[home in Auburn].

Movies with scenes of Secretary of State W.H.Seward in them:
    1937 movie "Courage of the West",  W.H. Seward is played by Thomas Monk.
    1998 TV movie "The Day Lincoln Was Shot", W.H. Seward is played by John Pleshette.
    1936 movie "The Plainsman", W.H. Seward is played by Charles Herzinger.
    1982 TV mini-series "The Blue and the Gray", W.H. Seward is played by John Vernon.

This page has been prepared by the grandfather of a descendent of William Henry Seward, Auburn, New York. Please contact me for any corrections or omissions at